04b7365b0e When you first open the box containing your new Kobo eReader, you'll find a Micro USB cable and a short Quick Start Guide. You can use the Micro USB cable .... You can add books to your Kobo eReader by purchasing from the Kobo Store, borrowing from your public library, or by copying files from your computer to your .... You can find your eReader's model number on the bottom of the device. If you're not sure what model you have, you can also use the table below to identify what .... Hard back cover with granular finish and Kobo logo. Model number at the bottom of the eReader: N587. Kobo Glo HD. Identifying features: Silver power button .... 7 Apr 2015 ... Fall in love with eReading – exclusive to Kobo Glo HD, a toll-free Kobo Welcome concierge service will have readers enjoying their next great ...
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